
Cost of Exterior House Painting in Mississauga

What is the cost of painting the exterior of your house? Today, we will attempt to answer that question. This article will discuss how much painting a surface must cost for your home. Please keep in mind, we’re a Mississauga painter, and prices will vary from province to province depending on your labor and material costs.

Come on, let’s dive right in! The average cost of repainting a residential exterior will fall between $3,000 and $5,000. Accordingly, depending on the size of your home, the paintable surface area, any additions, or additional prep needed, you may fall under or above that range.

Would you like to know more about the cost? Based on projects we served in 2020, we get the project with an average job size of $4,500. 30% of jobs were under $3,000, 50% over $5,000, and 20% over $10,000. Therefore, you can see a surprisingly wide range of prices between $3,000 and $10,000.


How Much Does Exterior Painting Cost?

Most painters estimate the cost of a project by measuring the area (in square footage) of the paintable area and the total length of trims. In this way, they will have a better idea of how much paint will be needed. After your painter gets this base number, they will start looking at things that will add materials, labor, or time to the job, and they will adjust the pricing accordingly.

What Factors into the Price of an Exterior Paint Job?

A house’s cost largely depends on how much material will be used in the project. A larger home is going to cost more. As a result of more products being used on a home, the labor and time required to install those products also increases. Most painters use a standardized method to determine the size of the house as to the basis for their pricing.

How Much does Prep Cost When Painting?

The amount of prep work that needs to be done on a home will also affect the cost of exterior painting. Painters tend to focus on three things when preparing for a job. How much scraping, priming, and caulking will be needed to get the home ready to be painted? The unknowns involved in scraping a house make this a complex item to estimate for many painters. What amount of paint will be scraped off? What is the expected time? What will be the final amount of caulking used?

When painting a home, primer and caulk are significant expenses, and the quality of the preparation materials used will ultimately determine the cost. Using higher-grade materials adds both price and value to the project. The type of paint, primer, and caulk used dramatically affect the cost and duration of a painting project.

The Cost of Paint Prep

If a painter says they will scrape any failing paint, they refer to physically removing paint from a surface area showing signs of wear with a metal scraper. When painters remove paint, they want to remove all paint that has broken the seal and has lifted away from the substrate. After the paint is scraped, the edges and wood become bare and raw—prime these areas before painting. Otherwise, the paint will not adhere to the substrate. As a result, the more scraping required on your home will need more primer, raising the overall cost.

Preparation costs can vary based on your home’s condition and how often you paint your house. You can typically anticipate spending anywhere from $500.00 up to $2,000.00 more on your home if significant prep work is required. The extra time, materials, and labor will be attributed to the prep before painting. Preparation is key to a long-lasting paint job, so this may not be the place to save money.

What Impacts the Price of a Paint Job?

The amount of trim on the house and its painted way also play a significant role in how much it costs to paint the house exterior. Usually, painting the trim is the most time-consuming part of a project. Rather than spraying the trim, most painters hand-paint it. Thus, the more trim you have on your home, the more your paint project will cost.

Painters should also pay attention to wrapped trim. Painters refer to this as wrapped trim if the sides of your trim boards are trim color instead of body color. Maintaining wrapped trim will cost more than painting walls; however, it elevates the overall look of your home. The reason for this is that most painters hand paint trim, so wrapping the trim in body color instead of having the board sides be the same color will increase labor demands.

Does the Paint Product Impact Cost?

All paints are created equal is a common misconception within the painting industry. Contrary to popular belief, this is not true. There are vast differences in quality and cost in the paint product market, and the paint you choose can significantly affect the price of your project. It is essential to consider this when determining what it will cost to paint your house’s exterior. For example, economy paints are typically cheaper per gallon than conventional paints; however, you will require more to achieve the proper coverage and thickness. Choosing a premium paint like Benjamin Moore Aura or Sherwin Williams Emerald will cost more, but they’ll offer a better range and longevity. Therefore, high-quality paint will cost more upfront but will last significantly longer. Consider an economy paint if you’re trying to save some cash now, but you’ll need to repaint sooner.

Factors That Add Cost to Painting

What is the home’s color scheme?

First, we clean all the equipment before applying new color. Additionally, adding colors requires more masking, increasing labor and material costs. There is usually a standard number of colors that companies allow, and they charge per color thereafter. Our policy is to allow up to four colors and then charge $200/color after that.


How many windows need to be masked?

Every painting project must have masking, yet it is often overlooked. It takes a lot of time and energy to prepare plastic and paper before painting a house. All windows are masked and covered for protection and to keep clean.


Do you have wood windows?

Painting wood windows takes more effort than painting vinyl or fiberglass windows. Every window must be painted by hand after being primed with an oil-based primer. If you have many wood windows, add anywhere between $500-$2,000 to your project.

Is there challenging landscaping to workaround?

A three-story walk-out and homes built on sloped terrain can pose several accessibility challenges. In most cases, painters will charge extra if they need to use more equipment or take additional safety precautions.


How tall is the home?

A 30-foot house is more challenging to paint than one that is 10 feet. More ladders are needed to paint three-story houses, which is dangerous to climb. Several ladders are set up and moved quickly to keep a paint job looking great on a three-story house.


How detailed is the work?

As mentioned earlier, how many colors and trim are present is also relevant here; a large, empty wall is more accessible to paint than something filled with many shapes, turns, and sections.


What is the substrate that’s being painted?

A material side of your home is called a substrate or siding. There is a wide variety of substrates to choose from, but some examples are cedar siding, hardboard, MDF, stucco, and brick. Based on the substrate, the amount of paint used will vary. For instance, a raw brick will use more paint than previously painted brick. Brick is quite porous, so when you paint it for the first time, it will soak up a lot of the paint, requiring you to use even more paint to get even coverage. Similarly, stucco absorbs paint more than brick but less than concrete. Additionally, stucco, concrete, and bricks need back-rolling to adhere to and maintain the paint.


What about staining your deck or fence?

Our full-service projects include both staining and painting your deck and fence. Depending on the size and condition of your deck or fence, you may incur additional costs.


Is there wood that needs to be replaced?

Woodwork is another factor that can radically affect the price of your paint job. It is necessary to replace siding and trim when they break. In homes that haven’t been adequately maintained over time, woodwork can quickly accumulate, so it’s always a good idea to keep an eye out for any rotten boards and get them replaced or sealed up right away. Would you please confirm with your painter regarding wood replacement services as not all painters provide them? A client who needs wood replacement usually needs to prepare an additional $200-$1,500. Keeping in mind that full re-sides cost more, they are much more expensive.


Is there lead paint on the home?

Before learning about lead paint’s additional cost, you need to verify that your painter is lead certified. There are very few lead-certified paint companies here in Mississauga, so you must do your research before hiring a painter to work on your lead-based paint home. Until 1978, lead paint was used in residential homes. Back then, we had no idea that lead paint was toxic and might harm children and animals. In light of this, the essential aspect of painting a lead-painted house is containment. A lead-based paint coating tends to chip off and crackle, looking like alligator skin. Thus, when you go into the home to prepare it and try to scrape away the lead paint, you’ll end up with many lead paint chips. To prevent lead paint poisoning, it is imperative that these paint chips, store in plastic and disposed of appropriately. With lead paint, you have to buy thick masking plastic, respirators, and jumpsuits.

What is the Average Cost for House Painting in Mississauga?

The cost of painting a house requires considering many factors, as you can see above. Ultimately, every house has its unique characteristics and must be addressed accordingly. For most projects, you should expect to spend between $3,000 and $5,000. In light of this, we recommend that you take a walk around your home to get an idea of what condition it is in and set expectations accordingly.

For a more accurate estimate of an exterior painting in Mississauga, we urge you to contact us.